Monday, May 14, 2018

I Never Saw Another Butterfly

This is the butterfly that I created based on my poem “An Evening In Terezin”. This poem was created by a child who lived through WW2. This poem was even created during the holocaust in a concentration camp! These are the messages hidden within my butterfly based on the poem.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Disappearances; Book Blog #5

Dead Upon A Time is a mystery book written by Elizabeth Paulson. Published in 2015.

Dead Upon A Time is a book about this girl named Kate Hood based in the medieval times. One day she finds that her grandmother has gone missing. She goes crazy looking for her until she calms down and tries to find a solution. She finds herself crossing paths with her old friend Jake, and even the king! Not only has her grandmother gone missing but so has the Kings daughter Ella. The King has put them in charge of finding Princess Ella. Even though Ellas stepmother would rather have them not. My favorite part of the book would probably have to be when Kate first arrived to her Grandmothers house realizing she was no longer there. She went into the village where no one helped her. There are more kidnappings that have been forgotten about. Who is behind these disappearance? Do they ever get found and brought back home safely? Are they dead? Read to find out. (:

The main character is very brave yet lashes out in fear and worrysome at times. Kate Hood is an orphan but its complicated. She doesnt live with her foster parents anymore. She always ran away from them. Instead she lives with her Grandmother and takes care of her, well before she went missing. Kate was seen as an uncommon girl in school. On page 64 she tries to scare off guards by lying to them that she was an uncommon, “‘You ought to listen you beau,’ Kate dared to ask ‘You don’t believe in the Uncommon?’”  Uncommon is what they use as insult, it means witch. Shes more of an outcast. The village hates her and her grandmother. On page 3 it states that “the citizens of Shepherd’s Grove had been only too happy to see Nan put down roots good distance away.” She also has big red curly hair.

I like this book because it’s different. I’m sure there’s probably tons of books with a similar concept in this time era but this one just seems different. The whole plot of the book just interests me. Every chapter or so there’s something new. I’m the type of person who gets bored from a book easily and books like these that keep it exciting are my favorite. The theme of this book I’m guessing is just to be brave and keep what you love close to you. I would definitely recommend Dead Upon A Time to a friend and/or whoever is reading this.
This is a fan made trailer on YouTube:

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Body of Christopher Creed

The first book I started reading this quarter was The Body of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-ucci. Of course as you guys already know I love mystery books, so this book was obviously gonna be In the mystery genere.
This book is told from perspective of, now senior, Torey Addams. In this book he goes back to tell the story, or more so recap, on his Junior year at his hometown Steepleton in southern New Jersey. During this year Christopher Creed went missing. Torey wouldn't call him his friend. Christopher was more like a peer. He's been in his life since the beginning. Yet they barely even spoke to each other. Christopher was more like the punching bag for many of Torey's friends and classmates. From the beginning details on the disappearance are iffy. Chris disappeared without a trace! Was it a suicide? No, maybe it was a murder. Or it could have just been an abtuction. He could have also just ran away. You'll just have to read to find out.
Main character Torey Addams is hard to describe with one word. He was one of the popular kids. Had a perfect life. He had a beautiful girlfriend, good grades, was on the football team, played in a band with his best friends and had no family problems. Things started to mess up around the disappearance of Chris. He started to question himself more. Things started turning upside down for him. He no longer knew who he was. Was he still good old Torey or was he now a weird outcast? On page 194 Torey states "My life wasn't perfect anymore. And especially since all this came down with Creed. I just feel different from everybody else all of a sudden. Like it's this giant secret and one day somebody's going to realize{it like}... 'Everybody take a long look at Torey Addams! He's weird! And we just never realized it!' And the truth will come out."
I loved this book. The whole time I was on the edge of my seat just waiting for the next big secret to be revealed. I loved how the author gave us so much detail into the lives of smaller characters to show us that maybe Steepleton wasn't as perfect as it is thought to be. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.
Click the link to see a trailer created by a group of kids: 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018



         People always say family always comes first. Yet I don't always put family first. I don't really talk to my family very often, and I wanna change that this year. I wanna connect more to my family. I wanna chose to hang out with my sister more often than my friends. I wanna stop being rude to my brother when he annoys me. I wanna talk more to my oldest brother, who I barley even say hi to on a daily basis. I wanna go to the movies more with my mom and tell her more about my life. I wanna talk to my dad when he comes back from a long day at work. I wanna change all this throughout the course of this year. One word could mean so much. So I chose the one word that could include all of that. All of the things I wanna change this year. I don't want to be awkward or shy with my family anymore. They are my blood, I am their family, and I shouldn't be afraid to socialize or be myself with them.